Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My intresting Thing!!!!!! (NOT IN A SICK WAY YA NASTIES!!!!!!STOP BEING NASTY!!!!)

Something I do that is "interesting"?  Well I for one  can make some delicious scrambled eggs.  First you get your eggs (I usually eat 6). Then you get your pan (I use a cast iron pan).  Then you break your eggs in a bowl, stir them up with some milk.  Afterwards when their all mixed, you put them in the hot pan.  Sprinkle some pepper, salt, pepper shakes, and a jab or two of Louisiana as it cooks.  When the eggs are a nice golden color, there done!  Put on a plate and enjoy!!

Everyone should know how to do this because scrambled eggs are amazing and healthy, eat them up. YUM!

Monday, December 9, 2013

New Technology

If I could have ANY new piece of technology, I would probaly want an Ipad or a kindle. Because I would love to have the Internet access, and the cabability to read books and listen to music.  I would listen to music, be on dA, read books, play games, and watch videos!  It would make life better by making me a happier and funer person!  I would use it just for fun, cause really? Educational purposes?

Monday, December 2, 2013

My "Amazing" four day weekend

So on my "fantastic" weekend that was FOUR DAYS LONG!!!!!!!  It was alright, it was like an elevator, it had its ups and downs.  Mostly I split firewood and played Euchre.  But on Sunday I watched this legit movie, it was called "Next". 

Here's what it was all about:

A Las Vegas magician who can see into the future is pursued by FBI agents seeking to use his abilities to prevent a nuclear terrorist attack.

Cool movie, lots of twists and an exciting ending.

So yeah, everyone have a splendid time!
(Hope you like my wolves! :3)


Monday, November 25, 2013


Alright Thanksgiving in the Gautz home can be quiet....intresting. 
We eat an assortment of foods; things like turkey, vension, rabbit, squirrel, cheesy potatoes, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn on the cob, biscuits, pie (cherry pie, pumpkin pie, chocalte pie, etc....) cheese, ham, roast beef.  All of those things and more.
We don't really do a whole lot of anything else, we eat, we watch football games.  The thing that makes it really intresting though is the family drama.  Thats some fun stuff, yup.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My idea of a dull evening?

Okay so this might be a bit of an unusal topic but my idea of a dull eveing would have to be me doing absoultly NOTHING!!!!!!!!   Nothing at all, just sitting there, bored out of my mind, wishing I had something to do. (which hasn't ever happend, its never too cold or hot outside, and if it is I can watch T.V. or a movie, or read a book)  So yeah I never have a dull evening!!!!   SUPA FUN!!!!!!!!!!!11 (Don't you hate it when you type in a bunch of eclamation marks and it ends off with a couple of 1's?)
This picture is absolutiy hilarous!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Why is it important to be honest?

So I bet your all wondering, how honest am I?  Well I will admit that I do lie a little bit,  So yeah I do believe there are times when you can lie a little bit.  I do believe though, if your invloved in any sort of crime or are a witness to something (anything) then you should tell the absoulte truth and nothing but the truth.  It is extra important to tell the truth when theirs someone else's reputation/life is at stake.  No I have never lied to get something I wanted, I've lied to get out of trouble and stay out of trouble but never to get somehting.  If I had to guess how many times a week I lie, I would guess anywhere frome once to twice.  The only people I tend to lie to is my step-father, (mostly because we really don't get along.)  But yes I believe its important to always tell the truth, call me a hypocrate. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

TOPIC OF MY CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So people yesterday I watched a movie, (*GASP* REALLY I WATCHED A MOVIE *GASP*)  It was called "The Forsaken" , Just to let you all know, IT WAS FREAKIN' AMAZIN' (I almost spelled grekin' instead of freakin'. :3 ).

Just so you all know, the blond guy is a Vampire hunter (he was infected (he keeps it under control by taking a special drug.)  and he's hunting down the vamp ("Forsaken") that bit him)  and the black haired guy is Sean. (He's just an unsuspecting guy who picks up the blond vampire hunter and get involved to help kill the Forsaken.)  More or less awesomeness occurs, bad guys lose and good guys win.  Sean and Blond vampire hunter go on their world wide vampire hunt.  So yeah that concludes my random rant.

KITTY CAT!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013


So everyone its HALLOWEEN time, literally the only the time of year where you can take candy from not so perfect strangers!  But sadly I will not be trick or treating.  Now I'm going to touch upon a very touchy subject: when is someone to old to Trick or Treat?  Well my answer is NEVER!  Your never to old to Trick or Treat, never! Trick or Treat 'till your dead for all I care. (That would make a really legit outfit, I mean seriously really old guy, wrinkles and everything? XD)  Surpirsingly I've never been to a Halloween party, (Am I missing out?  Let me know?) 

My favorite Halloween costume has to have been when I dressed up as Ash from the Pokemon series!  XD

The BEST candy I have ever managed to "haul in" has to have been a Whatcamacallit (Hope I spelled that write.)  Those things are like pure delciousness in your mouth. 

Alright people, I personally LOVE TO CARVE PUMPKINS!!!!!!  And yes I did carve one this year, (It was one of those theater mask that are half happy-half sad.) 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Devinat Art

Okay so everyone I have a Deviant Art (It's a place where I upload all my artwork.)  Hope you check it out and here's a link:

And here's just a small sample of my work.

Monday, October 21, 2013


I love it when the trees go from green to their reds, oranges, and yellows.  I also love the lush green of pine trees in the winter/fall.  My family and I don't do anything to special, I mean we go deer hunting and have a big Thankgiving feast, but nothing special.  My favorite fall food you might ask? Well it as to be vension. (Deer meat for all of ya'll that don't know what that is. XD.)  Sadly I did not get to go out last week to look at the beatiful trees last week.  My favorite thing to do during the fall has to be jumping in big piles of leaves! XD 

Monday, October 14, 2013

I am Perfect...Or am I?

Okay so all of you know I'm NOT perfect.. It's hard to understand or believe, but its true, so very true.  You see the one thing that I should really change about myself is....... my anti-social attitude.  I'm a really really quiet person, I don't talk a lot and I have troubles getting to know people, so yeah that's my problem. If i was to change this it would make me a more "social person".  Is that a good thing?
Apparently it is.

Monday, October 7, 2013

PewDiePie parte dos. XD.............

Okay so like I said in my last post (if you haven't looked at that one, please do..)  I a big PewDiePie fan, he's hilarious (maybe stupid funny, but that's some peoples opinion.)  It would be like a dream come true to meet him (IT would be just as awesome if he was reading my blog.)  But yeah he's like an...... insperation? hero?  Who knows....... 

Friday, October 4, 2013



Okay so I'm a BBBBIIIIIIIGGGGG pewdiepie fan (if you don't know who that is I'm shocked.)
Anyhow this is an example of his work,(HE'S hilarious!!!!!)  This is more or less an intro to PewDie Pie,

This is an example of what he does.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Video of school


Okay so anyhow i made a video about my school, hope you love them as much I did!!! It was a ton of fun!!!

(sorry there are certain technical errors going on with my computer and I can't upload my videos to youtube or to my blogger. :( ........... )



Okay so I'm a bit of a writer and I "attempt" to write stories. (Like a said attempt.)  Anyhow yeah, I write short stories, long ones, (mostly fiction)  But yeah, I do my best to write decent stories, (I have troubles finishing them though)  But anyhow yeah thats that.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Pep Assembly

At Sand Creek Highschool we had one of they best pep assemblies ever.XD.  It was a ton of fun and i enjoyed it emsensely.(the video above is a perrrfect example of the superior awesomness.)  The best part about the whole thing? The whole thing!!!!!  There wasn't anthing about it i didn't enjoy!  However the only thing missing would have to be a dance off......*chuckle* the teachers do have some moves.....

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Spirit Week in the Creek (Sand Creek XD)

So in Sand Creek we are dressing up!
Its for Spirit week and we got to dress up for certain days, like thurday we had to dress for camo.  Tommorrow we get to wear green and white.
                  So anyhow yeah i dressed up in the usual fashion, today i got a camo hat,and tommorrow I'm going to go hard core for Green and White day!  Anyhow yeah spirit week is awesome and fun, makes me happy I go to school in the Creek!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


This is my new Blog is wonderfull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1